Take control of your bottom line
Your needs are at the core of what we do
Our team has extensive training in Medical, Mental and Behavioral Health, Cardio, Surgery and Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation compliance, auditing, and coding. Knowing the regulations and being sure your organization has all the key components in place is critical. Helping your organization, agency or practice achieve this is our highest goal.
Overcome your challenges
Identifying your needs
What are the areas of concern for your organization?
What are the pros and cons
We work with you to identify your organization’s strengths and weaknesses.
Getting to work
Our team of experts works tirelessly to get you back on the track of profitability and success.
Charting the course forward
We come alongside you to keep your organization moving in the right direction.
Choose your starting point
Revenue Collection
Clean-up of outstanding revenue issues — especially +90-day accounts, billing issues and revenue enhancement solutions.
Enrollment, CAQH management, provider rosters, Medicare/Medicaid, contract negotiations and more for any size organization.
OIG-mandated elements, documentation standards, guidelines, business processes, training and education, etc.
Training & Other Services
Tailored, on-site training, Gap Analysis, takeback/denial management and appeals, EHR implementation, and so much more.